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Thursday, February 6, 2020

What Is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition afflicting about one percent of men and women over the age of seventy years old.
Individuals with Parkinson’s disease have tremor of the hands, rigidity, poor balance, and mild intellectual deterioration. The tremor is most apparent at rest and is less severe with movement. Shaking or tremors are an early symptom of Parkinson’s disease. Progression leads to trembling in arms, legs, jaw, and rigidity or stiffness of the limbs.
Research has shown that Parkinson’s disease occurs when a small region in the brain, called the substantia nigra, begins to deteriorate. The neurons of the substantia nigra use the brain chemical dopamine. Tremors begin to happen and movement slows when you have inhibited dopamine function.
Dopamine is broken down in the brain by an enzyme called monoamine oxidase (MAO). When the activity of MAO is inhibited, dopamine stays around longer, and this is beneficial to those with Parkinson’s disease.

What Helps Parkinson’s Disease?

There is no official cure for Parkinson’s Disease.
As the disease progresses, patients often suffer from cognitive decline. Existing treatments can help ease symptoms, but over time, the drugs themselves can cause debilitating side effects.
Carbidopa is most commonly used for Parkinson’s disease. However, there can be a number of negative side effects and problems associated with the administration of carbidopa during treatment of Parkinson’s disease. This is thought to be because the administration of carbidopa will deplete the body of vitamin B-6, l-tyrosine, l-tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), serotonin, and sulfur amino acids.
The properly balanced administration of Mucuna pruriens (a natural form of l-dopa), and not carbidopa, in conjunction with 5-HTP, l-tyrosine, l-cysteine, and other supportive nutritional supplements can improve symptoms.
A research study, led by Dr. Marty Hinz and printed in the International Journal of Internal Medicine, was done with 254 Parkinson’s patients who were newly diagnosed with no previous treatment and those who were diagnosed more than 20 years before and had tried many other medical treatment options. It showed that these supplements were helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.
In additional studies, Dr. Hinz has pioneered new research showing that replacing carbidopa with mucuna pruriens can arrest symptoms of Parkinson’s at any stage, and in many cases, reverse it. Without carbidopa, he recommends a specific protocol of natural supplements similar to the protocol that I used to reverse my Parkinson’s. However, my personal protocol should not be attempted if one is taking carbidopa.
The Buck Institute for Research on Aging has been investigating Parkinson’s Disease for years. Their research has shown that low doses of lithium administered to laboratory mice reduced involuntary motor movements, a troubling side effect of the medication most commonly used to treat Parkinson’s disease.
A clinical study of 885 Parkinson’s patients validated that in 78% of the cases, patients taking 10mg per day of NADH reported positive improvements in their condition. Some doctors recommend 40mg/day to experience more benefits. This can be expensive, but if your budget allows, it would be a great addition.

What to Do

Dr. Hinz has passed on his amino acid IV treatment to doctors and is available around the country. Research “neurotransmitter restoration therapy” for more information.
From my personal experience and in helping hundreds of people at my wellness retreats in Northern California, my natural solutions and protocols have helped all brain disorders.
These suggestions for optimal brain function should not be followed if you are currently taking prescribed drugs for Parkinson’s. Taking tyrosine and 5-HTP with certain medications, particularly for Parkinson’s, can produce negative side effects and be dangerous.
If you are currently taking prescribed drugs or carbidopa, collaborate with a Dr. Hinz trained doctor before going off your dependence on Parkinson’s drugs. You can find a doctor that Dr. Hinz has trained in his system by calling NeuroResearch Clinics at 877-626-2220. This number cannot help you directly but they can recommend and refer you to a doctor who can.

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